The skill of SELF – MANAGEMENT is about managing one’s own mood and emotions, time and behaviour, and continuously improving oneself.
The core emotional intelligence competencies (in yellow) of the model below help us consistently demonstrate the productive being states on the right side ( in white) of the model, as opposed to the unproductive being states on left side (grey) of the model that we can all be at times.

Self-Management is about managing one’s own mood and emotions, time and behaviour, and continuously improving oneself. The modern workplace is generally one of high demands and pressure, and this can create negative emotions and outcomes. Our mood can be very infectious and can therefore be a powerful force in the workplace; productively or unproductively. This skill helps people be resilient and manage high work demands and stress rather than being temperamental at work. People who are proficient in managing their own emotions are optimistic and look to find the opportunities and possibilities that exist even in the face of adversity.
A person’s mood can be a very infectious and powerful force in the workplace, one that can be both productive and unproductive; • This skill helps people be resilient and manage high work demands and stress; and • To achieve and enhance success, people need to pay deliberate attention to the way they manage time and how they behave.
Explore our programs and assessments in emotional intelligence